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Troy Brooks

Fitness & Wellness Instructor


Troy Brooks is a wellness professional who specializes in fitness and wellness consulting. His main goal is to impact and change lives through fitness and a healthy balanced lifestyle.

As a strength and fitness coach who was named “Best Instructor in NYC 2019” by ClassPass, Troy Brooks knows that hitting the gym isn’t the only part of wellness—eating healthy and delicious food is just as important. Just ask the elite athletes and high-profile clients he’s worked with. You can train with Troy virtually through his website.


Interview with Troy Brooks

Fat side up or fat side down?

Fat side up, give me all that flavor!

Your most used or favorite ingredient?

Black pepper and jalapeño—I like it spicy!

Favorite music to listen to while cooking?

Bossa Nova is my go-to. Always sets the right vibe.

First (or best) cooking lesson you learned by trial and error?

My father-in-law told me to clean down the grill while it’s still hot. It makes the job so much easier and this way I can get back to drinking wine, haha!

Strangest food you’ve eaten or cooked?

Shark has to be the crazy food I've eaten, why you ask? Cause it's shark!